Man sitting at table for video interview
One of my great life-long friends is my “fwen” Kelly. During high school and college we hung out a lot, many times at her parents’ home in Manoa. I remember spending so much time around the dining room table talking story with her mom, grandma (who always called me “Noman”), her uncle who also lived with them and their little dog Rambo.

Also there from time to time was Kelly’s dad. This was a man shrouded in mystery as I don’t recall ever hearing him say a word. He would always smile warmly and nod, then poof – he was gone! I would joke with Kelly about her dad being such an international man of mystery, and she agreed and said she really didn’t know much about him. He really was just that quiet, even with his daughter.

Fast forward to 2021 – I’m an adult now (?) making ʻOhana Legacy Videos and recording video biographies for families, and last month I got the opportunity I’ve been waiting for since 10th grade – to sit down with Kelly’s dad and learn all about his life!
When the time came to do our interview, it was such a wonderful and surreal experience. Not only did I hear Kelly’s dad’s voice (for maybe the first time in 20+ years) but he had sooo many incredible stories to share! It was fascinating to hear about his life growing up in Japan, and how this quiet man was quite the leader in his neighborhood. He affectionately referred to his childhood group of friends as his “baby gang,” with him as the “baby gang boss” ? He even divulged a little bit about the pranks the baby gang pulled off in the neighborhood.
For Mr. Takasawa, not only is he quiet but I think he also didn’t say that much to Kelly about his life because he wanted her to pave her own way. But for Kelly, although she’s doing great and is very successful, I know she’s always wanted to know more about her dad. That’s why this particular project is so meaningful for us, and we’re so excited not only for Kelly to watch it, but for her kids (and eventually grandkids!) to watch it one day ?