Man sitting at table for video interview
You know the saying about the shoemaker’s children having no shoes? Well, we fall into that trap a lot with our regular business (video marketing) and we wanted to make sure we didn’t do that with Legacy Videos. It’s too important and we need to preserve our family stories for our kids, our niece and nephews, and their future kids.
So we interviewed Jamie’s mom a few weeks ago and it was our longest interview yet, clocking in at 4 hours! Jamie stands up for the whole process and her feet were killing her. (We got her some Phiten compression socks to hopefully help with this in the future ?)

Just like what happens with the Legacy interviews we do with clients, Jamie was able to hear stories from her mom’s life that she never heard before. One in particular that was fun for both of us was how one of her clearest memories from small kid time was of her neighborhood tofu factory. Well, factory isn’t the right word… It was more like just another house, but they made and sold tofu and let kids wander through.

She said they’d watch the tofu being made and she can still remember the smell of the place. I told her that while it sounds like a cool experience, I can’t imagine it being ok these days for children to wander around a food processing facility unattended! Maybe this is why health inspectors are a thing now ?

Jamie also learned that her big brother chose her birthday! It was a scheduled c-section and he wanted her birthday to have a 5 in it to match his birthday. He didn’t remember and Jamie never heard the story before, so they probably never would have known if we didn’t have this 4-hour talk with their mom.

This is the great thing about intentionally sitting down with your loved one, putting the spotlight on them and digging deep into their memories. Not only do you learn more about their lives, but you also find some gems that add depth to your own life story ? If you want some tips for recording a family oral history video on your own, check out our free workshop. Or if you’d like us to work with us to preserve your family stories, click below to schedule a free consultation.